Saturday, July 3, 2010


What Is It

Moldavite is a tektite, and a stone of intense frequency and high vibration. In ancient times it was thought to be a mystical stone that could bring good luck and fulfillment of wishes. Natural crystals of Moldavite are powerful stones for transformation.... as it is thought to be the stone known as "The Holy Grail Stone."

Moldavite is said to have been formed when a giant meteorite struck the earth over 15 million years ago. It is a green translucent stone and is extremely rare, found only along the banks of the Moldau River in the Czech Republic.
Humans have prized Moldavite since the Stone Age when it was valued as a talisman for good fortune and fertility. Moldavite is said to enhance psychic abilities and wearing Moldavite is said to help manifest positive life changes.
Moldavite has extremely high vibrations and a powerful energy. When holding a piece of Moldavite you may sense the energy as heat, tingling or a pulsing sensation in your hand, or you may feel a rush of energy through your body towards the top of your head. Because it's energies are so strong it is recommended that you place a grounding stone, such as Tourmalineor Haematite, at your feet, when using it to meditate.
Please note Moldavite is fragile and salt cleansing may damage it.


As a power stone Aventurine is excellent for attracting abundance & wealth. This is the stone of opportunity. Aventurine is known as the stone of chance or luck.
It is also considered an all purpose healing stone. Another potent stone for relieving stress, anxiety, and emotional discomfort. It helps us to see alternatives and potentials. Good career stone for those in stressful situations at work. Reinforces ones decision making abilities and amplifies leadership qualities. Heals emotional pain, fear and imbalance by dissolving blocks in the heart Chakra.
Aventurine is also excellent for protecting the heart Chakra, acting as a shield against "energy vampires" who like to tap in and use the energy of other people.
  • Balance: Balances out your emotions, helps remain calm in trying situations. Helps not just to reduce, but to balance out your emotions.
  • Business: Stimulates opportunity, improves your leadership skills and helps you respond to challenges on an instinctive level - allowing you to make quick, confident decisions. Wonderful motivation and action stone, especially for entrepreneurs and the self employed who have that "pioneering" Spirit!
  • Decisiveness: - Assists one in making the "right" decisions.
  • Luck: A good luck stone, or opportunity stone. Has a reputation as a "gambler's stone", bringing luck into the game of risk and chance.


Ranges in color from violet to dark purple. Enhances spiritual awareness, mediation, balance, psychic abilities, inner peace, healing, positive transformation, and relieves stress. Was used to protect against diseases, control bad thoughts, strengthen intelligence, concentration and make its owner sharp in business and study. Enhance friendship. Induce harmonious sleep and keep away nightmares. Release migraine and headaches. Helps with low blood pressure.

⊙ Amethyst right brain to dominate the world, and that intuition and subconscious communication, which helps to stimulate their individual talents to enhance spirituality. To open a higher intelligence!

⊙ amethyst round of the main development between the eyebrows can help to achieve the spirit of thinking about the concentration, increased memory, and increase flexibility for brain, thereby increasing the wisdom and creative thinking, quite often the need for common brain constantly seeking knowledge of people!
⊙ Amethyst belongs to a stable energy that can calm people's emotions in love (love sublimation upgrade), the relative is that friends, family, and the relationship between supervisors and subordinates have a very magical Shu Xiao!

⊙ amethyst are calm emotions. To reduce the often troubled by insomnia!


Agate comes in many colours and generally curved bands of regular or irregular formation. A stone of good fortune, health and long life. Said to attract the love of others, encourage boldness and stimulate success, increase courage, intelligence, strength and modesty and to benefit the heart. It is used for healing, protect and keep away negative energy, evil and danger, rejuvenating depleted energies, protects one against falling, calms and refreshes oneself, and was said to prevent snake and serpent bites. A stone for during pregnancy. Help with eye complaints and eye-feebleness. Strengthens the lungs, stomach, liver and brain. Stimulates digestion. The blue lace variety is used for its calming effect. Strengthen a person’s patience and determination. Relieve stress.

天然红玛瑙最为珍贵, 黑玛瑙西方也称安力士(Onyx)。
玛瑙石属于玉器的一种 可以作为 镇静 安神 活血 等功效

What is Crystal Healing?

Crystal healing is the practice of using crystals and gemstones to heal, energize and protect the mind and body. The gemstones used in crystal therapy can also work to restore balance, clarity and natural vibrational energies that have been compromised or depleted in a patient. Though crystal healing is considered an alternative medicine, it's been practiced for centuries and has its roots in Ancient Egypt. China and India have also used crystals in healing rituals for more than 5,000 years.

It's believed that crystals can heal minds and bodies by effecting the vibrational patterns of patients' auras. The gems are said to carry their own vibrations and their energy can be applied to a body's electromagnetic system for augmentation. In effect, crystal therapy aims to transfer the energy contained in gemstones to a patient in need of the same energy.

The benefits of crystal healing can be achieved by having gems rubbed on the patient and wearing gems close to the body or in a pocket next to the heart. However, many practitioners prefer to use gemstones directly on chakra points, or energy centers on the body. Using them in this manner helps facilitate the cleansing, healing and stabilizing of energy emanating from each chakra. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet stones can be placed next to their corresponding colored chakra or next to any chakra that could benefit from the healing properties of a particular stone.

Restoring the natural flow of energy helps the patient shake off negative habits, attitudes and other factors that impede a patient's function in everyday life. Wearing metal is greatly discouraged while undergoing crystal healing, since metal acts as a stopper of energy. Metal surrounding gemstones is especially detrimental because it disrupts the energy flow coming from the gemstone. Because of this, patients who choose to wear gemstones as part of their crystal therapy often buy jewelery with gemstones that aren't encased in metal or gold.

The condition of the gemstones is important to their effectiveness. Whole, natural, high-quality gems that are not irradiated or dyed have more healing potential than those that have been manufactured, processed or damaged. Color, shape and size of crystals also inform their healing properties.

Advocates of crystal healing report lowered physical and mental stress levels, better health and spiritual refinement. In addition, certain crystals are believed to help heal specific ailments. Each gemstone traditionally used in crystal therapy has particular healing properties attributed to it and is used depending on a patient's needs.

Before beginning crystal healing, gemstones should be cleansed and energized. Gemstones can be washed in clean water, laid out in the sunlight or moonlight or have sound push away negative energies contained in the stones. Chiming a bell, gong or making another pure sound next to the stones promotes the renewal of energy in the stones and readies them for a new patient.

In advanced crystal healing, gemstones can also be fashioned into wands to perform a type of "psychic surgery" that helps remove blockages, remedy illness and redirect positive energy. Though some patients have found results after undergoing psychic surgery, substituting crystal healing for primary medical care is inadvisable. Instead, crystal healing should be looked upon as a supplemental source of care for those seeking renewed energy, vitality and health.